the risks associated with business and IS/IT change

Hi Sir…
I and my group chose the ANFLOCOR for our individual study about the risks of changing an Information System.. It’s hard for us to set an appointment for their manager because he was to busy with his career. I thought choosing the ANFLOCOR as our adopt company is a big opportunity for us to catch up knowledge for our module and major paper but unfortunately we got mistaken because some of our question regarding Information System are hanging. He didn’t answer the question well; I don’t know if he has an idea on what are we talking about or he just don’t want to share his knowledge to us, but we really thankful to him that some of our question was answered by him.
Actually ANFLOCOR it’s one of the top exclusive company here in
The risks of changing an Information System, Actually everybody has a risk in changing an Information System basically for ANFLOCOR was the cost and some of their employee who was not updated for the new technology. As we all know one of the major disadvantages of having Information System in the organization or in the business group was the cost. Same with ANFLOCOR they experience this kind of disadvantage. Using Database Management System (DBMS) was too expensive for a business group like ANFLOCOR because they have a lot of company to manage and they need a better and good server so that their business transaction done on time. For the employee parts, their programmer and Data Administrator (DA), even their regular employee under the MIS Department, are necessary to update but a good news is they are conducting a seminar for their employee on what is the proper used of the Information System. The first Language that they used in their system was COBOL and then they upgrade it to Visual Basic 6.0, and now they are currently using a Visual Basic.NET for their front end and MS-SQL for their back end. Also the Integrity of their data was not maintained because of some changes in their Business system but it’s just for temporary. They can resolve it faster but we can’t avoid for that thing. Hehehe!
I learned a lot in this topic even the manager was not answered our question well but I still understand on what they are trying to say. Hoping that I can use it in the near future or even after taking this subject I can apply it to my other subject.
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