Assignment 1

Hi! Sir Randy! I and Ma.Ann Kristine Tomada chose the same company. We went to many companies all of them were declining us to have an ambush Interview. Some of them don't have an IT/IS, some of them required us a letter for us to be able to conduct an interview, some of them just an In-charge in their store. But fortunately one company accommodates and gave us a minute to answer some question that we provide for them. The name of the Company that we Interview was the EMCOR (Engineering’s Machinery Corporation)
EMCOR was founded by JESUS V. del ROSARIO in 1958 and they are currently under the JVR Foundation Inc.—one of the many companies of the JVR Group of Companies. Others include:
• Kawasaki Motors (Philippines) Corporation
• K-Servico Trade, Incorporated
• Wodel Incorporated
• Delsa Chemicals and Multi Products Incorporated
• International Wiring Systems Philippines Corporation
• Hecny Forwarders Incorporated
• Wodel Manpower Services
EMCOR is a 100% Filipino-owned retail business corporations specializing in appliances, furniture, IT products, motorcycles, and money transfer through its network of specialty chain stores in the Visayas, Mindanao, and Palawan areas. With the launching of their online store, EMCOR will now be making its presence known in the online industry and promote its company’s goals and vision to the global community.They carry a wide array of product lines like Panasonic, JVC, Philips, Sony, Sharp, Samsung, Electrolux, La Germania, Whirlpool, FS Furniture, Sanyo, Canon, Brother, Epson, Toshiba, Acer, Kawasaki, Honda, Suzuki and many others. They have also partnered with Western Union for our money transfer services. The core of their existence is their ability to provide high quality service to their customers by providing the right products at the right time, in the right place and at the right price. They believe that as responsible members of their society, EMCOR should pursue their profit objectives in the spirit of service to the community. They believe in reconciling the profit motive of their Company with service to the nation. Thus, they strive to maintain a balance between the interests of their customers, employees, shareholders and the government by supporting national and local agenda for economic development, social reform, educational/scientific research, healthcare and environmental sanitation and preservation. To date, the JVR Foundation has given more than PhP200 Million in philanthropic work.
We ask them if they Have an IS in their company, the MIS System Analysis said Yes, they have a payroll system, accounting system, HR System etc. Their transaction were already electronically base. They are currently using a Microsoft Visual Fox pro for their front-End and a MS-SQL for their Back-End. They don't have any agencies who maintain their system but they have an own maintenance officer for their system.
As an advantage having an IS(Information System) help it a lot to their company.
1.)They can easily transact into one another especially when transacting the customers cares.
2.)For the benefits of the employee their salary are on time because they have an own payroll System.
3.)Retrieving some files is not hustle for them because of the help of databases.
Additional for the advantage of having the IS(Information System) in their company was they are more competitive to other company’s. The programmer and the DA (Data Administrator) was an ordinary employee like accountant, clerk who they sent to Manila to studied a programming language like visual fox pro so that their employee would have an idea to maintain or make a system for them. As a part of their development in their IS(Information system) they are now trying to link all of their 110 branch from mindanao,visayas to palawan into one Interconnection. Actually they are already linking each other but the point is the company want to try the web base. Their programming language is trying to convert into Internet programming language so that it can easy to access their entire branch. One of their target to develop their IS are the SAP R/3 . SAP R/3 is arranged into distinct functional modules, covering the typical functions in place in an organization. The most widely used modules are Financials and Controlling (FICO), Human Resources (HR), Materials Management (MM), Sales & Distribution (SD), and Production Planning (PP). Those modules, as well as the additional components of SAP R/3, are detailed in the next section.
Each module handles specific business tasks on its own, but is linked to the others where applicable. For instance, an invoice from the Billing transaction of Sales & Distribution will pass through to accounting, where it will appear in accounts receivable and cost of goods sold.
SAP has typically focused on best practice methodologies for driving its software processes, but has more recently expanded into vertical markets. In these situations, SAP produces specialized modules (referred to as IS or Industry Specific) geared toward a particular market segment, such as utilities or retail. Their maintenance officer can be found at their main office located at Bajada.
For the Best Practices that they were Implemented for their IS, They plan it well and carefully analyze those System before launching it. They train some employee to used that system and make a daily recovery,weekly recovery, monthly recovery and yearly, of course their backup was placed in the outside of the company maybe in the other building or other place on where the server can be found in case of emergency like fire. Their Internet connection cost php 400,000 monthly and their IBM server cost of php 30,000,000.00. Wow!!! That so expensive, all i can say EMCOR have a great IS in their Company.
I learned a lot in this assignment because I got a lot of Ideas on what is the best practice of Information System. And having an IS(Information System) give a big advantages for the business companies like EMCOR because all of their transaction was make them simple and easy to used. Although that was so expensive but thats the one disadvantage of using database.
Regarding the deadline that you gave Sir we didn’t complied it on time for the reason of. First we communicate the san pedro branch yesterday we got some problems regarding the topic that I want to know from him, the person that I talked to yesterday was not the IT/IS In-Charge. And they told us that we can return by this day. Unfortunately, we have some misunderstanding with the staff that I have talked. One of their staff told me, that san pedro branch are for sales only. Their main branch is the bajada branch. Their HR Department and the MIS/EDP branch is located in Bajada . Suddenly, the ISO officers conduct a seminar for the MIS Staff and HR Department. That’s the reason why we past this assignment late. Hope you consider us Sir. hehe! God Bless!!!
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