Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Assign #6 HRM(What do you think will the 21st -century corporations look like?)

Hmm!! The 21st century look like?

for me the 21st century look like the modern corporation compare to the corporation in the past century, because the 21st century is the technology era in which the corporation are aiming for a good and competitive corporation through the help of technology. A technology gives a big contribution to the corporation specifically for the fast and reliable transaction, with this reason the company can provide a good relationship to the world of business..

The advancement in information technology generates huge potential for moving business and production up the value-chain, and improving the quality of life of citizens. At the same time, it brings about new challenges in areas such as information security, protection of intellectual property rights and privacy in the digital environment and the appropriate mode of regulation in the face of increasing media convergence. Leading digital economies need to embrace both opportunities and challenges brought by the technology development in order to stay in the forefront of the league.

The Digital 21 Strategy was first published in 1998 as the blueprint for Technology development. It was updated on a regular basis to take into account technological and socio-economic changes.

Achieving the vision of enhancing Company's status as a leading digital corporation requires collaboration amongst all stakeholders in the community, including the Government. That is why the formulation of the Digital 21 Strategy has all along been integrated with a thorough public consultation process to strive for a balanced view on the future direction of technology development in a corporation.

The 2008 Digital 21 Strategy has now been finalized after undergoing public consultation. It contains five key action areas:

* Facilitating a digital economy;
* Promoting advanced technology and innovation;
* Developing Company's for a good in technological cooperation and trade;
* Enabling the next generation of public services; and
* Building an inclusive, knowledge-based society.

With the advent of information societies, a robust information infrastructure, just as essential physical infrastructure, is crucial to supporting and propelling the growth of economies. I believe Company's has a solid Information and Communication Technology foundation which allows the company to move further ahead. The penetration rates for broadband Internet connection and mobile phones can be become competitive. A technology can built up a substantial e-business presence over the years and will endeavor to increase the user-friendliness of the company electronic public services. The initiative to install Wi-Fi hotpots in major Business premises to provide free access to broadband Internet further demonstrates the commitment to enhancing the Communication Technology capabilities of the community.

Rapid economic development in the Mainland, particularly with the emphasis on technological advancement in the Nation's 11th Five-Year Plan, opens up immense opportunities for the corporation to serve as a hub for fostering cooperation amongst local, Mainland and overseas Information and Communication Technology enterprises. The availability of excellent professional and financial services, a rigorous intellectual property protection regime and advanced infrastructure such as Cyberport and Science Park enable corporation to play this unique role.

The ability to leverage technology is an important attribute of a world city in the modern era. The Commerce and Economic Development is firmly committed to furthering the technology development of a corporation having regard to the aspirations and needs of the businesses and citizens.


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