Saturday, October 10, 2009

Assigment #8 in HRM(On the assumption that you heard/read the SONA of the President last month (July 2009), identify at least 3 areas related to Huma)

I.) Trade and Investment
In the trade and investments sector, we envisioned to raise investments
to 25-28% of GDP by 2010 from 19.5% in 2003. Financial support to
public infrastructure shall be pursued through greater private sector
participation. We shall likewise continue to aim for a minimum 10%
annual growth in the export sector, even though the Government has
met the target to increase exports for food and services in 2006.
Towards this end, we have accomplished the following:
Promoted entrepreneurship
From 2001 to April 2008, microfinance loans to the low and middle
income men and women who want to start their own businesses have
reached P102 billion or 29 times more than the P3.49 billion we started
with in 2001.

• The Government’s initiative to enhance the SME Unified Lending
Opportunities for National Growth (SULONG) more than quadrupled
the P26.76 billion released in 2003 to P130.24 billion as of April 2008.
New jobs generated therein almost tripled from 200,783 in 2003 to
590,462 as of April 2008.
• Despite the setbacks in the global economy that affected our small
exporters, the One Town, One Product (OTOP) Program performed
respectably. Beefed up by DTI’s strong marketing program, earnings
by small exporters went up by 14%, from US$92.23 million in 2006 to
US$105 million in 2007. Local economic activity likewise markedly
improved, with OTOP domestic sales surging by 53%. Investments
inflow also improved by 23% supporting 70,733 jobs.
Since its inception in late 2004, OTOP had generated a total of P5.60
billion in investments, supported 212,960 jobs, earned US$283
million in exports and P5.88 billion in domestic sales, and assisted
17,149 small and medium enterprises.
Table 5. OTOP PERFORMANCE: 2004-2007
Performance Indicators
2004 2005 2006 2007 Total
Investments (P Million)
565.04 814.09 1,891.34 2,330.53 5,601
1,431 70,439 70,357 70,733 212,960
(US$ Million)
0.17 85.19 92.23 105.40 283.0
Domestic Sales (P Million)
1,302.40 1,808.25 2,773.79 5,884.44
SMEs Assisted 4,396 5,968 6,785 17,149

II.Completed the P10.6 million La Trinidad Fruit and Vegetable
Minimal Processing and Packaging Plant on 30 December 2008,
which shall start operating in July 2008. Dole Philippines
Incorporated, the project’s operator, is in the process of recruiting
and training personnel for the plant. The project shall contribute
into increasing the shelf-life and marketability of the upland
vegetables, lessen post harvest losses, and the Government’s food
security program.

III. Completed the P96.83 million Dingalan Port Development
Project in Aplaya, Aurora on 30 January 2008, which includes
port development and construction of a passenger terminal
building. It is expected to boost productivity of the agriculture,
aquatic, and mining industries in the Dingalan area and nearby

Talking about the Trade and Investment it will gives a big impact to the human resources because it will give a lot of opportunities to the workers so that the jobs opportunities will grow.

Assignment in HRM #7("Human beings are the most important, potent and critical, resource of any organization, and yet the least understood and the wo)

Human resources is an increasingly broadening term that refers to managing "human capital," the people of an organization. The field has moved from a traditionally administrative function to a strategic one that recognizes the link between talented and engaged people and organizational success. The field draws upon concepts developed in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and System Theory. Human resources has at least two related interpretations depending on context. The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production although this perspective is changing as a function of new and ongoing research into more strategic approaches at national levels.This first usage is used more in terms of 'human resources development', and can go beyond just organizations to the level of nations. The more traditional usage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within a firm or agency, and to the portion of the organization that deals with hiring, firing, training, and other personnel issues, typically referred to as 'human resources management'.

Human beings are definitely the most important resource in an organization. Above everything else humans are the most superior in an organization. We all know that humans are essential in every organization because without them organizations would definitely not work out. If the technology or the department wherein IT id present is said to be the brain of an organization, human are the heart of every organization and without them the organization could not live and stand on its own. Human beings are also, to a certain extent, selfish, both by nature and by environment. A person who is an altruist is one who has regard for; and is devoted to the interest of others than himself alone. Altruism is a desirable trait to be aspired for but is, generally, hard to find among people in its ideal form. There are some people who seem to lack even a trace of altruism in their makeup; still others believe that there is such thing as enlightened self-interest, which may be made to benefit everybody through cooperation. Thus,
self-interest and the welfare of others do not have to conflict with each other.
Both can be achieved or satisfied at the same time.

Assignment#9 in MIS

Improving Coal Efficiency and Reducing Environmental Pollution

The main objective of the TA is to assist the government in developing suitable environmentally friendly technologies for improving domestic coal utilization efficiency and reducing pollution in the building materials, metallurgy,coal, and chemical sub sectors. The TA will evaluate ways to improve energy efficiency in and reduce pollution from industrial enterprises of these four sub sectors and will recommend appropriate policy measures,institutional mechanism and financial incentives
The TA through surveys, will ascertain the major problems prevalent in each subsector, including inefficiencies resulting from the use of outdated process design and technology ,inappropriate plant size equipment, and inefficient plant operations. Based on the results of the survey, one enterprises from each subsector, representing the common problem of the subsector.
Technology plays important roles in our life. It enables us to do our activities easier. Something that might be so difficult to do in the past can be done easily with the technology innovations. No want will argue that technology also give huge impact in educational field. With technology, teaching and learning activities can be more interesting and fun. It may also help the learners to get the lesson objectives faster than the manual and conventional way.

• What should be your role within this environment?

As an IT student i have a big role within this environment because I can be a part of implementing this program through the learning that i got from the school i can expand my knowledge on how to be more efficient with this kind of program. Learning is a lifelong process that sometimes we encountered a problems that make as self pity but through this learning we can be strong enough to face consequences. working in this kind of environment I will not abuse any of its benefits. i will make use of its sites opportunities so that i can contribute a lot even though it is difficult.

And as a student I am aware that learning is a lifelong process. That is why information is abounding – never stops and never ends. As an IT student, I’ve had panoramas of several companies’ information systems. I have learned how information could be very crucial in a workplace and even at home. And I have also seen localities and circumstances where there is scarcity or outdated information. I know many of us are relying heavily on basic information exchange and getting just a bit of it at a time is not enough in this rapid competent world.

• How can the principles of information organization and representation help you in performing this role?

The TA make this program to help the government of china to reduce using of coal because it is not good of over used of it. With this goal, the organization help me on how to manage the benefits of this program and those opportunities that can give to all the people will be properly grab.

• What are the challenges facing you in performing the role? How will you address these challenges?

There are many challenges that I will be facing when I will be in an information environment. I will just state here the challenges that come to my mind right now.

Myself. If I will be working in an information environment, I must have discipline for myself. I have to be hardworking in my work, just like all my fellow workers will be doing. I mustn’t be late in work. I must follow what my boss says to me and must do it in time for the deadline, if there is. And I’ll just be absent if I really have an important excuse for it.

In an information environment, I must expect that I will be working with a team or if not, then other personnel. There are issues sometimes that fellow workers have arguments, and I must not be one of those workers. I have to a develop a camaraderie between my fellow workers so there will be no hindrance to the flow of work in our department. In short, there has to be chemistry,hehe.

Also, you have to be particular with the hardware and software that you’ll be dealing with when you work. What the company provides you; you have to make use of it. If you complain about it, then it’ll be a possible “kick out” for you. You’re just a worker following orders, and you really have a thick face (bagag nawong in bisaya) or in serious terms, boastful if you do that.

Assignment #6 in MISIf you were hired by the university president as an IT consultant, what would you suggest (technology, infrastructure, innovations

If I were hired as an IT consul;tant i would like to suggest the following for a benefits of the University..

• The Information Technology Consultant works with user groups to solve business problems with available technology including hardware,
software, databases, and peripherals. Services may include studying and analyzing systems needs; systems development; systems
process analysis, design, and re-engineering; feasibility studies; developing requests for proposals; evaluating vendor products and
making recommendations on selection. Enterprise support may require knowledge of business management, systems engineering operations research, and management engineering. Duties are performed at various levels within the defined category

• Probably focus your technical skills on predictable technologies: Microsoft server and desktop OSs, Microsoft Office software, e-mail platforms, and TCP/IP. Particularly ambitious IT consultants might add VoIP, Cisco, SonicWALL, and other network technologies to their plate, too.
But you may be missing a cash cow if you overlook Intuit products. The company recently reported a 9 percent increase in quarterly revenue vs. the third quarter 2008. With third quarter 2009 revenue of $1.4 billion, someone is buying Intuit products, and many of those people could be your clients.

• A consultant is a professional that provides expert advice in a particular domain or area of expertise such as accountancy, information technology, the law, human resources, marketing, medicine, finance or more esoteric areas of knowledge, for example engineering and scientific specialties such as materials science, instrumentation, avionics, and stress analysis. See related Certified Management Consultant and MBA.
• An expert in a specialized field brought in to provide independent professional advice to an organization on some aspect of its activities. A consultant may advise on the overall management of an organization or on a specific project, such as the introduction of a new computer system. Consultants are usually retained by a client for a set period of time, during which they will investigate the matter in hand and produce a report detailing their recommendations. Consultants may be established in business independently or be employed by a large consulting firm. Specific types of consultants include management consultants and internal consultants.

I would like to suggest the following for the Infrastructure which is the computer hardware and sofware infrastructure: Computers should be running at least Pentium-2.0Ghz w/48.8K modem. Computer technician would use different "internet software" ( pick and choose what works better ). Network technician would also use different operating systems ( WinXP or WinVista or Linux ). Host computers should upgrade to faster hardware ( Pentium 4, Dual Core, Core 2 Duo, AMD Sempron, AMD Athlon ) and upgrade to faster connection ( DSL or Full T1,T2 ).

University internet server needs to have a 24 hour dedicated connection to the internet and it should be internet server == a "unix machine" + firewall + router + phone lines to ISP. Another suggestion is to switch to a "better/faster/larger" ISP ( not the slow commercial online services ).

I would suggest the innovations in cable modem/router tweaking to improve university internet connection speed. All modems make it possible for established communications channels to support a wide variety of data communication. Similar to other modems, a cable modem receives and sends data by modulating and demodulating signals. However, cable modems differ from other modems because they also function like routers. Broadband Internet data is delivered into the home or office over a coaxial cable line that also carries television signals. The information travels like a TV channel through the coaxial cable line. The cable modem separates the data from the television signals and directs the data to the PC and video to the television.

Local traffic is the biggest speed cap that plagues cable modems or a source of a slow cable internet connection. Cable modems work on a network/grid that connects to a T3 router running at 45 Megabits per second. Depending on where computers placed, they could have a busy grid, or a not-so-busy one. Then there is Internet traffic. Network administrator’s best bet if he really needs the speed is to pick a time where not as many people are on. There is a noticeable difference in traffic between 2 AM and 6 PM.

There are a number of ways to improve the performance of university cable modem/router. Unlike old fashioned dial-up modems, there isn't a whole lot he can do to increase the speed of computer cable connection. He can tweak the way the broadband Internet cable connection sends the data/packets back and forth. If he is new to this whole thing, there are a number of programs that will automatically set the best values for the connection. Some of the most popular programs are EasyMTU, I-Speed, Intelli Dial-Up, Smartalec, Smartplay.

There’s also Web browser called Voyager 5000 made by Smartalec that’s much faster than regular Internet Explorer. Updating the drivers on computer’s (Network Interface Card) can give the most noticeable speed boost above everything else. Some good places to check for drivers would be:,, and even

Improving university cable internet speeds with connection teaming is also an option. Midpoint has a feature called connection teaming. Connection teaming combines multiple connections to the Internet for increased bandwidth. Along with connection teaming, the software splits large files being downloaded into multiple smaller parts and downloads each part at the same time along each connection. Cable modem companies sometimes allow network technician to purchase additional IP address for a monthly fee. @Home does this for $5 per IP address. @Home caps the bandwidth per account, not IP address - but at the very least, it might increase the efficiency of internet connection and allow the throughput to closer reach the capped maximum speed.
On a very basic level, host computer’s performance also affects the Internet performance as well. If university computer isn't running at its best, neither will the broadband Internet connection.


VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a technology used for sending sound via network based on IP protocol, which is e.g. Internet. It allows for integration of telephony and data transmission into one net thanks to treating sound as an ordinary stream of data. This technology is more and more often perceived as an alternative to casual telephone networks due to its numerous advantages. VoIP enables making phone calls also to subscribers who do not have Internet and use traditional telephone network or a mobile.

The basic principle of the technology\'s operation is relatively simple, namely the speech signal is transferred to digital representation, it undergoes compression with a proper codec and then it is divided into packets and sent via IP protocol. Many new technologies are used here, including logical elements and special protocols. Logical elements are necessary for, among others, managing notifications and storing information on it, routing packets etc. New protocols are mainly signal protocols, which means that they are used for making connections and multimedia sessions, determining user\'s location, translation of addresses, negotiations of parameters of the notification link, disconnecting and managing notifications, billings and realizations of safety mechanisms. At present two main protocols are used for VoIP, namely H.323 and SIP.

H.323 Protocol
The first version of the protocol was adopted over 10 tears ago, namely in 1996, the second one in 1998. It belongs to the family of H.32x protocols, which describe multimedia connections inside various networks:
H.320 - narrow-band digital networks ISDN
H.321 - broad-band digital networks ISDN and ATM
H.322 - packet networks with guaranteed band
H.323 - packet networks with no guaranteed band
H.324 - analogue POTS networks

All of these protocols support various sets of audio and video codecs, depending on the band made available in the network. They can operate with transmission control (TCP) or without it (UDP), where in VoIP connections no control protocols are used due to additional delays. H.323 supervises the process of sending multimedia data in packet networks, performing this task in real time. Components of H.323 precisely define how particular components of the system, operating according to the protocol, initiate multimedia sessions and how working posts exchange compressed audio and video data between themselves. H.323 supervises processes of sending multimedia data in packet networks, performing this task in real time. Architecture of telephone IP network, base on H.323 standard, consists of four basic elements: terminals, gatekeepers, gateways and MCU (Multipoint Control Units).
Terminals are clients who have the possibility of initiation and receiving notifications. They are also used for sending and receiving two-way stream of data. A terminal can be both, software operating on a PC and a special device designed for this purpose. All terminals should make carrying out a telephone conversation possible, while data or video service is optional.
Gatekeepers manage the so-called zone, which is a collection of terminals, gateways and MCU. H.323 standard divides the net into these zones. Notifications inside a net are managed by a gatekeeper. Inter-zone notifications can engaged many gatekeepers. A gatekeeper, when present in the net, supervises the course of all telephone conversations carried out in a zone. Its basic tasks are the following: control of the available band, routing notifications, receiving, refusing notifications in a zone, translation of addresses and user authorization. Gatekeeper is also an interface to other H.323 networks. A \"gatekeeper\" is an optional element of the network but if it is present in a given subnetwork, then the terminals can use it.
A gateway is responsible for connecting the telephone IP network to other types of network. For example, a gateway can connect H.323 network with SIP, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) or ISDN networks. The gateway must provide an interface of real time between various transmission formats and communication procedures. Moreover, it is responsible for establishing and disconnecting connections in both connected networks. The gateway must therefore have mechanisms converting various formats at its disposal and it must operate networks based on various technologies. MCU runs conferences in which at least three end points participate. An MCU unit manages conference resources, runs negotiations between end points (agreeing on, for instance, the method of encoding audio and video data) and it can steer streams of packets containing multimedia data. MCU consists of two basic elements: Multipoint Controller (MC) and optionally a few Multipoint Processors (MP). MC is responsible for exchange of information and for negotiation of communication parameters between the end points, it runs H.255.0 signaling MP is among others responsible for mixing various multimedia data, format translations and eventual redistribution of streams from users.

What is very often possible is integration of network elements in one physical device. For example, functionality of a gatekeeper can be combined with functionality of a gateway and an MCU or an MCU can be built into the terminal so as to make conference connections possible without additional devices.

Everything takes place in Linux environment (distribution practically does not matter but personally I recommend Slackware). I presume that people reading this article are equipped with basic knowledge on compilations, patching and software installation in Linux systems and that they are familiar with basic principles of working with packet filter iptables and a tool for queuing tc. The following elements influence the system so that it manages the band properly:

- linux kernel in version 2.6.15.x
- patch to linux kernel -2.6.14-imq6.diff
- patch to kernel esfq-kernel.patch
- latest iptables (1.3.5 currently)
- patch for the iptables iptables-1.3.0-imq1.diff
- ipp2p module for iptables
- packet iproute2
- patch for iproute2 esfq-iproute2.patch

I suggest installation of the software in the above-stated order. Kernel 2.6.x is much more stable than series 2.4.x. The above configuration was tested by me on a big group of routers (10 ) and it has been working perfectly well. Needles to say, in Linux, you can only limit the output movement from a given interface with tc (Traffic Control). What we need then is a virtual mediation interface (the so-called IMQ) to which the Input movement should be redirected (the so-called Input). Thanks to such an operation, the input movement could be limited as output movement from a virtual IMQ. Obviously, queuing of solutions can be done without IMQ but I do not recommend this method because it is based up feigning packets, which makes later classification and prioritization impossible. I need to say a few more words on the interfaces. No network card based on Realtek\'s chipset should be used (especially RTL 8319), as they are devices designed for working posts and they lose work stability when there are more connections, which is manifested in an increase of the \'pings\' and in many other awkward phenomena. Instead of them I recommend cards based upon Intel Pro or 3com.
Another aspect is the ESFQ mechanism (Enhanced Stochastic Fair Queuing) for the WAN router. In comparison to the traditionally used SFQ mechanism, it enables just division of links with a view to connections from the source and target address (hash src, hash dst - upload, download to WAN). Thanks to this, we are able to make WAN interfaces totally independent from LAN interfaces. Briefly speaking - no queuing is necessary for LAN, the whole movement will be justly separated between them. All of the above solutions refer obviously to HTB mechanism (Hierarchic Token Bucket).

The University must ensure that the networks are maintained by their IT personnel and or technicians and the connection is monitored from time to time.

Today's networks have a significant impact on our lives - changing the way we live, work, and play. Computer networks - and in a larger context the Internet - allow people to communicate, collaborate, and interact in ways they never did before. We use the network in a variety of ways, including web applications, IP telephony, video conferencing, interactive gaming, electronic commerce, education, and more.

What are the benefits of networking? In a network, information and resources can be shared. This brings a number of advantages: You can share expensive peripherals, such as printers. In a network, all the computers can access the same printer. You can pass data between users without using floppy disks. Transferring files over the network eliminates time wasted copying files onto a floppy disk and then onto another PC. Also, there is less restriction on the size of file that can be transferred over a network. You can centralize key computer programs, such as finance and accounting. Often users need to access the same program so they can work on it simultaneously. One example would be a ticket booking office system where it would important to prevent a ticket being sold twice. You can institute automatic file backup. A computer program can be used to back up key files automatically, saving time and ensuring that all your work is safe.

In a Wide Area Network, information and resources can be shared over a greater geographical area. This brings a number of advantages: You can send and receive e-mail from all over the world, communicating messages and announcements to many people, in many different areas, quickly and inexpensively. You can transfer files to and from colleagues in other locations, or access the company network from home. You can access the vast resources of the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Internet has great effects in every people on earth that makes the people saw the as the useful tool for basically information for news, events, browsing for people and for history and many more. Internet has changed the way we communicate with our loved ones across the country because it offers more benefit than the old communication technologies. In education Internet has become a virtual assistant for students who wants research be done easily and hassle free.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Assign #6 HRM(What do you think will the 21st -century corporations look like?)

Hmm!! The 21st century look like?

for me the 21st century look like the modern corporation compare to the corporation in the past century, because the 21st century is the technology era in which the corporation are aiming for a good and competitive corporation through the help of technology. A technology gives a big contribution to the corporation specifically for the fast and reliable transaction, with this reason the company can provide a good relationship to the world of business..

The advancement in information technology generates huge potential for moving business and production up the value-chain, and improving the quality of life of citizens. At the same time, it brings about new challenges in areas such as information security, protection of intellectual property rights and privacy in the digital environment and the appropriate mode of regulation in the face of increasing media convergence. Leading digital economies need to embrace both opportunities and challenges brought by the technology development in order to stay in the forefront of the league.

The Digital 21 Strategy was first published in 1998 as the blueprint for Technology development. It was updated on a regular basis to take into account technological and socio-economic changes.

Achieving the vision of enhancing Company's status as a leading digital corporation requires collaboration amongst all stakeholders in the community, including the Government. That is why the formulation of the Digital 21 Strategy has all along been integrated with a thorough public consultation process to strive for a balanced view on the future direction of technology development in a corporation.

The 2008 Digital 21 Strategy has now been finalized after undergoing public consultation. It contains five key action areas:

* Facilitating a digital economy;
* Promoting advanced technology and innovation;
* Developing Company's for a good in technological cooperation and trade;
* Enabling the next generation of public services; and
* Building an inclusive, knowledge-based society.

With the advent of information societies, a robust information infrastructure, just as essential physical infrastructure, is crucial to supporting and propelling the growth of economies. I believe Company's has a solid Information and Communication Technology foundation which allows the company to move further ahead. The penetration rates for broadband Internet connection and mobile phones can be become competitive. A technology can built up a substantial e-business presence over the years and will endeavor to increase the user-friendliness of the company electronic public services. The initiative to install Wi-Fi hotpots in major Business premises to provide free access to broadband Internet further demonstrates the commitment to enhancing the Communication Technology capabilities of the community.

Rapid economic development in the Mainland, particularly with the emphasis on technological advancement in the Nation's 11th Five-Year Plan, opens up immense opportunities for the corporation to serve as a hub for fostering cooperation amongst local, Mainland and overseas Information and Communication Technology enterprises. The availability of excellent professional and financial services, a rigorous intellectual property protection regime and advanced infrastructure such as Cyberport and Science Park enable corporation to play this unique role.

The ability to leverage technology is an important attribute of a world city in the modern era. The Commerce and Economic Development is firmly committed to furthering the technology development of a corporation having regard to the aspirations and needs of the businesses and citizens.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Outsourcing/ In-sourcing

Choosing between the outsourcing and In-sourcing its really hard for me to decide. But let’s us see what will be my stand after discussing this topic. Let’s me first define in-source and out-source. The Second, advantages and disadvantages of both for me to decide weather I stand in outsourcing or In-sourcing,
What is Insourcing?

The opposite of outsourcing can be defined as in-sourcing. When an organization delegates its work to another entity, which is internal yet not a part of the organization, it is termed as in-sourcing. The internal entity will usually have a specialized team who will be proficient in the providing the required services. Organizations sometimes opt for in-sourcing because it enables them to maintain a better control of what they outsource. In-sourcing has also come to be defined as transferring work from one organization to another organization which is located within the same country. In-sourcing can also mean an organization building a new business centre or facility which would specialize in a particular service or product.
Organizations involved in production usually opt for in-sourcing in order to cut down the cost of labor and taxes amongst others. The trend towards in-sourcing has increased since the year 2006. Organizations who have been dissatisfied with outsourcing have moved towards in-sourcing. Some organizations feel that they can have better customer support and better control over the work outsourced by in-sourcing their work rather than outsourcing it. According to recent studies, there is more wok in-sourced than outsourced in the U.S and U.K. These countries are currently largest outsourcers in the world. The U.S and U.K outsource and in-source work equally.

To make it shot, in-sourcing is a common approach using the professional expertise within an organization to develop and maintain the organization's information technology systems.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing began in the early eighties when organizations started delegating their non-core functions to an external organization that was specialized in providing a particular service, function or product. In outsourcing, the external organization would take on the management of the outsourced function.
Most organizations choose outsourcing because outsourcing offers a lot of advantages. When organizations outsource to countries like India, they benefit from lower costs and high-quality services. Moreover organizations can concentrate more on core functions once they outsource their non-core functions. Outsourcing can also help organizations make better use of their resources, time and infrastructure.
In outsourcing, the outsourcer and the outsourcing partner have a greater relationship when compared to the relationship between a buyer and a seller. In outsourcing, the outsourcer trusts the outsourcing partner with vital information. Outsourcing is no longer confined to the outsourcing of IT services. Outsourcers in the US and UK now outsource financial services, engineering services, creative services, data entry services and much more.
Most organizations are opting to outsource because outsourcing enables organizations to access intellectual capital, focus on core competencies, shorten the delivery cycle time and reduce costs significantly. Organizations feel outsourcing is an effective business strategy to help improve their business.

Outsourcing is an arrangement by which one organization provides a service or services for another organization that chooses not to perform them in-house.

The Advantages of outsourcing:

• Outsourcing your non-core activities will give you more time to concentrate on your core business processes

• Off shoring can give you access to professional, expert and high-quality services
• With outsourcing your organization can experience increased efficiency and
• Productivity in non-core business processes

• Outsourcing can help you streamline your business operations

• Offshore outsourcing can help you save on time, effort, manpower, operating
• Costs and training costs amongst others

• Outsourcing can make your organization more flexible to change

• You can experience an increased control of your business with outsourcing

• Your organization can save on investing in the latest technology, software and infrastructure as your outsourcing partner would be investing in these

• Outsourcing can give you assurance that your business processes are being carried out efficiently, proficiently and within a fast turnaround time

• Off shoring can help your organization save on capital expenditures

• By outsourcing, your company can save on management problems as your offshore partner will be managing the team who does your work

• By outsourcing, you can cater to the new and challenging demands of your customers

• Outsourcing can help your organization to free up its cash flow

• Sharing your business risks is possible with outsourcing

• Outsourcing can give your business a competitive advantage as you will be able to increase productivity in all the areas of your business

• Outsourcing can help your organization to cut is operational costs to more than half.

In addition to the above mentioned benefits on outsourcing, I have here some to take on consideration:
• Ability to focus on core competencies. By handing over noncore activities to a trusted third party, a company can concentrate on activities central to its value proposition and increase its competitive positioning.

• Faster and higher-quality service and improved efficiency. Vendors’ economies of scale, combined with service level guarantees, translate into increased operational efficiency for a company. For
Example, outsourcing vendors typically offer service level agreements (SLAs) for availability of at least 99.9%, and many include financial penalties for downtime. Along with higher-quality service, many
Outsourcers claim to reduce cost of management by up to 25%.

• Access to new skills and technology. Outsourcing gives a company access to resources not available internally, such as modern, up-todate technology and skilled human capital.

• Greater flexibility. The flexibility gained through outsourcing helps a company react quickly to changing market conditions, fluctuating demand cycles, and increased competition.

• Staff reallocation. Personnel whose job responsibilities are reduced or eliminated by outsourcing can be reassigned to other, more strategic tasks.

• Lower long-term capital investments. In a typical IS outsourcing contract, the vendor takes ownership of and responsibility for managing all or part of the client’s IS operations or infrastructure, thus eliminating the client’s ongoing investments in computer equipment. The capital funds previously allocated for computer equipment are freed for spending elsewhere.

• Improved predictability of costs. Outsourcing provides a company with predictable yearly costs for the management of all or part of the IS infrastructure.

• Assistance with organizational changes. A third-party IT service firm can help build new infrastructures or merge two existing infrastructures during or shortly after a merger, acquisition, or
joint venture.

• Assistance with globalization. A company looking to move into international markets can rely on a global outsourcer for assistance in broadening infrastructure and operational reach.

The Disadvantages of Outsourcing
• At times, it is more cost-effective to conduct a particular business process, rather than outsourcing it

• While outsourcing services such as payroll processing services and tax preparation services, your outsourcing provider will be able to see your company’s confidential information and hence there is a threat to security and confidentiality in outsourcing

• When you begin to outsource your business processes, you might find it difficult to manage the offshore provider when compared to managing processes within your organization

• Off shoring can create potential redundancies for your organization

• In case, your offshore service provider becomes bankrupt or goes out of business, your organization will have to immediately move your business processes in-house or find another outsourcing provider

• The employees in your organization might not like the idea of you outsourcing your processes and they might express lack of interest or lack of quality at work

• Your outsourcing provider might not be only providing services for your organization. Since your provider might be catering to the needs of several companies, there might be not be complete devotion to you and your company

• By outsourcing, you might forget to cater to the needs of your valuable customers as your focus will be on the business process that is outsourced

• In outsourcing, you may lose your control over the process that is outsourced

• Outsourcing, though cost-effective, might have hidden costs, such as the legal costs incurred while signing a contract between companies. You might also have to spend a lot of time and effort in getting the contract signed

• With outsourcing, your organization might suffer from a lack of customer focus

• There can be several disadvantages in outsourcing, such as, renewing contracts, misunderstanding of the contract, lack of communication, poor quality and delayed services amongst others.

The advantages of in-sourcing:

Low risk is perhaps the primary advantage of insourcing: Direct control over the resources doing the work permits better control over the results. An internal LPM directly coordinates and manages each activity with resources that can be in nearby offices. In this model, the people doing the work also directly coordinate it.

Direct control over the localization resources can produce noticeable cost savings. At one point when employing the total out-sourcing model, we discovered we were paying for as many as six levels of management and coordination on a project—the files, instructions, and other information passed through six other people on the supplier end before reaching the linguist
doing the translation. One can easily understand why messages were so different by the time the worker received them. Direct control of the resources also allows greater flexibility over such factors as resource utilization, staff selection, and labor cost. For example, paying a higher
wage to linguistic resources may result in lower workforce turn-over, higher quality, and a greater ROI (return on investment).

Factors to consider include:

• Reduce recurring costs associated with managing a Help Desk including staffing and training
• Improve service levels and increase professionalism among Help Desk staff
• Realign your staffing as necessary
• Take advantage of existing Help Desk infrastructure and recent call management software implementation
• Predictable monthly service charge for service

• Scalable
• Company retains control
• Company owns technology and data
• Direct knowledge transfer of best practices to your company
• Scalable
• Company retains control
• Company owns technology and data
• Direct knowledge transfer of best practices to your company
• Allows 2nd Level Support to focus on more difficult technical problems

The Disadvantages of In-housing

A potential major disadvantage is the sheer volume of personnel needed to meet the localization requirement. This model can be perfectly viable when localizing into
just a few languages but becomes less so—if not economically infeasible—when localizing products into many languages.

Factors to consider include:

• Work frequency in each language – in-house personnel must have enough work on a regular
basis to remain cost effective.
• Infrastructure – in-house personnel need offices, computers, telephones, office supplies, and so forth to function properly. The key to success is keeping these resources utilized on value-add activities. Under-utilization means excess capacity that can quickly consume the savings that insourcing provides over out-sourcing.

• Will require significant staff changes
• Must invest time in management of insourcing company
• Investment in technology and process
• Facility and technology must be provided and managed by your company

• Will require significant staff changes
• Must invest time in management of in sourcing company
• Investment in technology and process
• Facility and technology must be provided and managed by your company

What is best for our organization?

Here are some tips for us to be able to decide on what to choose: insource or outsource.

• If your organization has a number of non-core processes which are taking plenty of time, effort and resources to perform in-house, it would be wise to outsource these non-core functions. Outsourcing in this case, would help you save on time, effort, manpower and would also aid you in making quicker deliveries to your customers.

• If you require expertise services in areas which do not fall under your core competency, then outsourcing will be a good option as you can get access to expertise services. For reducing costs and making faster deliverables, outsourcing is again a good option.
• If your work involves production, then it would be more ideal for your organization to opt for insourcing, as you can save on transportation costs and exercise a better control over your project.

Hybrid Model

As I had doing my researches with this topic I had discover that we can do three approaches to project resourcing; out-sourcing (using external agencies), insourcing (using internal resources), or a combination of the two, we can called the hybrid model. Intel IT has adopted a hybrid model that combines the advantages of both out-sourcing and in-sourcing. But Intel IT uses this approach for large corporations whose documents require localization.

This approach may not applicable to our school as it stated above it is used in large corporation or big organizations or companies. But I just want it to include to this topic.

Hybrid Model

Historically, large corporations often vacillate between total out-sourcing and total in-sourcing. While these shifts may seem appropriate based on changing economic factors, constant switching adds costs and delays the return on the investment each time it occurs. Intel IT has adopted a successful hybrid approach that has helped break this cycle.

A hybrid model combines in-sourcing and out-sourcing and is configured to meet the localization project’s specific needs. We constructed the Intel Linguistic Services (ILS) as part of our localization effort. ILS consists of a large,
worldwide network of freelance linguists covering over 30 languages. ILS also maintains a few in-house linguists for the core (high demand) languages. Translators, editors, desktop publishers, and so forth populate the freelance base according to language specific needs. Most freelancers reside in the target countries to ensure their work conforms to the latest vocabulary and cultural adaptations.

The small number of in-house linguists provides overall direction, consistency, consulting, and advanced expertise in their respective languages.


Advantages to this hybrid model include:

• High resource utilization – freelance base works on an as-needed basis, avoiding the possibility of large amounts of excess capacity sitting unused.
• Competitive cost – freelance base is PPV and allows us to directly contact the workforce, saving middle-man costs.
• Managed risk – direct access gives us greater control of the quality and timeliness of our deliverables.

We use a simple database to track all of these efforts. Our LPMs use the database to access individual name, language, contact information, quality rating, and other data. For payroll issues, we hire individual freelancers through sponsoring suppliers that handle most of the payroll activities.


Managing individual assignments for so many workers is certainly more effort for the project manager than under a total out-sourcing model. Internal localization teams are responsible for understanding and handling such factors as individual availability and the no-work holidays of specific countries. This duty requires a more intensive ability and overall discipline to organize and track data than out-sourcing requires. Managing a network of freelancers also requires in depth skills in mass communication and management. At times, style guides, encryption keys, and other kinds of non-project specific information must go out to the entire network.

In a large corporate environment, a company has three models for completing its localization projects. Intel IT developed and adopted a hybrid model that combines in-house linguists with a worldwide network of freelance
resources. This combination optimizes risk management, resource utilization, and cost savings. Depending on the scope of work and number of target languages, this model may be well suited for implementation at other large companies whose content requires localization.

My opinion:

There is a big debate going on at the moment and people are constantly arguing whether or not it is better to outsource or to in-source. Even me I still get confuse with is best and preferable to apply in our school. We can mention a lot of good reasons and bad reasons for both at the end of the day what is important stand in our own personal needs.

If I have to look above In-sourcing is gives a lot of benefits to the company but let us look or defined what kind of organization that we are trying to criticize. The University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) is a state university owned and controlled by the Philippine government. Meaning the USEP is a centralized organization. They can not decide or easily approved the budget for their system. In outsourcing although it is so expensive but in the long run they can save in outsourcing.
For me the best way for the USEP is to outsource their system. It’s hard for the faculty and Staff of the IC to program at same time teaching, If the university will suggest to In-source their system possible for them to add a new employee which to expensive for the government in the long run.
That’s all about this topic. See you guy’s for the next topic…. Thank you for reading!!!

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